New screenshots and a beautiful new song.
Japan News
(Japan) New J-Stars Victory Vs. Screenshots Released
J-Stars Victory Vs. pits many different Shōnen Jump manga characters against each other—what more could anyone need?!
Super Heroine Chronicle Gets Japanese Release Date
Super Heroine Chronicle, the latest crossover RPG from Banpresto and Namco Bandai Games, will release in Japan in February.
Media Create Weekly Sales Charts: October 21–27
Pokémon X & Y leads the way again in this week’s Media Create charts. Also, BlazBlue: Chronophantasma launches on the PS3.
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Now on Japan’s Club Nintendo
And it only took five years for Japan to finally get the game.
(Japan) Nintendo Announces Jam With The Band Sequel for 3DS
Nintendo has announced a sequel to Jam With The Band for the 3DS in a Japan-only Nintendo Direct. Hopefully, it’ll be released in North America.
New Batch of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Screenshots Posted
Takes you back, doesn’t it?
New Drakengard 3 Screenshots
Combat looking to be even better here than the previous games.
(Japan) Fairy Fencer F Demo Arriving October 31
If you’re eagerly anticipating Fairy Fencer F’s localization, feel free to try a trial version releasing this Thursday.
NHK Reveals Two Possible Pokémon Spinoffs
We might finally get a legit Pikablu!
Persona Director Suggests Upcoming Announcements Will “Please All Fans”
November 24th, come faster, please!
Tales Team Understaffed for Consistent Localization
It’s a real shame.
Dungeon Dashers Now on Steam Early Access
One of my PAX favourites is now on Steam!
(Japan) Exstetra Animated Intro Posted
Save the world with the power of a kiss.
Space Dandy to Air in US, Stream in Australia, New Zealand
Well, isn’t that just dandy?
Nintendo Releases Patch for Pokémon X and Y
Now you can roam the streets of Lumiose City without fear!
Drakengard 3 Nico Nico Live Footage
It should be a crime for something with such destructive power to sound so cute.
(Japan) Bayonetta: Bloody Fate 90-Second Spot Posted
Bayonetta’s transition from models to keyframes looks like an alluring jump.
Media Create Weekly Sales Charts: October 14–20
It’s a bit of a down week in this week’s Media Create charts, but Pokemon X & Y and Monster Hunter 4 continue to go strong.
(Japan) New Sega Teaser Site Opens
Any idea, Sega fans? ‘Cause I’m stumped.