The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower… four epic adventures available only on Wii.
Featured articles will end up in the large scrolling image banner at the top of our page
GameStop Removes Art Book from Xenoblade Pre-order Page
Today the art book which was listed as a bonus, has been removed from the website.
Xenoblade Chronicles out April 5th in Canada
EBGames Canada has updated their Xenoblade Chronicles page with the release date of April 5th. They also sent out the following tweets, confirming the details: @EBGamesCanadaFR CONFIRMÉ: Au Canada seulement, #XenobladeChronicles sera disponible le 5 avril – 14h HNE!@Oprainfall @EBGamesCanada Xenoblade Chronicles will be available in-store on April 5 – 2PM EST!@OpRainfall It’s not too late […]
Featured Fan Art #08- Pre-order Pandora’s Tower if in Europe
Pre-order Pandora’s Tower Europeans!
Pandora’s Tower Second Trailer
Pandora’s Tower is coming out very soon in Europe and Austrailia. The German Branch of Nintendo has released a new trailer for your enjoyment. We’ll be sure to update this post when an English version is released. Pandora’s Tower comes out April 13th in the PAL regions. UPDATE: Now with English Subtitles!
EBGames Canada Website Runs Out of Xenoblade Art Books
If you pre-ordered Xenoblade Chronicles today from…
XSEED talks The Last Story with Rich @ IGN
XSEED talks The Last Story with Rich at IGN
83 Things to Know About Xenoblade Chronicles
83 tidbits of information about Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles – Nintendo Power Review
Nintendo Power has released it’s review of Xenoblade Chronicles, awarding the game a solid score of 9.0.
Xenoblade Chronicles Character Art
Nintendo recently released character art for Xenoblade Chronicles. You can find them all right here! Pre-order HERE :
Xenoblade Chronicles Artbook – GameStop/EB Games Exclusive
Rich from IGN’s Nintendo Team has posted some pics of the oh so sweet looking Xenoblade Chronicles artbook that is included with all pre-orders made at US and Canadian GameStop/EB Games stores. [SOURCE]
Countdown to Xenoblade!
Join Operation Rainfall as we celebrate with 10-day countdown to the launch of Xenoblade Chronicles!
#OPR (Operation Rainfall) is Looking for Writers
We are currently picking staff to assist with writing articles for the new website.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Backordered?
Xenoblade Chronicles may or may not be backordered on ShopNintendo.
Xenoblade Chronicles Special Bundle w/ Black CCP Now Available to Pre-order
Nintendo of America has made a “Special Bundle” available for purchase directly from ShopNintendo. Stay tuned for more details.
Welcome to the new Operation Rainfall website!
Have a look around, hm? Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! Ho ho!
VIDEO FEATURE – Xenoblade Chronicles Accolades Trailer
The critics agree: Xenoblade Chronicles is AWESOME.
OPINION: Operation Rainfall DID Help Bring Xenoblade To The Americas
This is an opinion. Did I not make that clear?!
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited For Xenoblade Chronicles
Why haven’t you pre-ordered yet?!