After a 5 month hiatus, The Downpour podcast returns with a discussion about games from October, anime, music and more!
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
OPINION: Console Exclusives are Good For the Gaming Industry
What’s wrong with promoting competition and unique libraries?
DISCUSSION: Our Highest Expectations / Biggest Fears Regarding Wii U
Join the Oprainfall Staff as we discuss expectations and fears for Wii U!
STAFF PICKS: What Will We Play on Wii U?
What launch window games are the staff anticipating the most?
OPINION: Why I’m Skipping New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Mario Bros. is a series that goes against Nintendo’s mantra of reinvention, and makes a mad killing for it.
Storytelling in Video Games: A Squandered Opportunity
What makes a video game such an incredible narrative platform? And how is the industry putting it to waste?
OPINION: Why Square Enix Is Losing Money—An Indictment
Square Enix’s profits are plummeting—and it has no one to blame but itself.
Are RPGs Like Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga I and II Becoming Obsolete?
A comparison between an amazing RPG like Digital Devil Saga, and the games that are being produced now.
How Capcom’s Remember Me Deviates from the Traditional Western Formula
Here’s why you should add Remember Me to your memory bank
Oprainfall Origins: Okami
Okami is an unforgettable experience that can surely convince any naysayer that video games are art.
EDITORIAL: The New Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Manga Box Set Brings Back Memories
My thoughts on VIZ releasing a deluxe hardcover edition of the classic manga Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
Staff Picks: Game of the Month – October 2012
Oprainfall picks out their favorite games from the month of October
What if Video Game Personalities Were President?
‘Cause it couldn’t be as bad as what we got… right?
OPINION: Revive F-Zero With Evolved Ideas
What do you want that we haven’t done before?
OPINION: Metal Gear Solid Creator Should Make Next Silent Hill
Why he might be exactly what the series needs.
Staff Picks: Top 10 Scariest Enemies in Video Games
Possibly the most controversial list we’ve ever made.
Pixel’s Angels and Inner-Demons: Cave Story and Perseverance
Six versions of the game, six different ways to see the “You have died” screen anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes later
Character Battle: The Results
Who were the victors and who lost out? You may be very surprised.
oprainfall Origins: Final Fantasy IX
It’s too bad we probably won’t see another Final Fantasy quite like FF9, but in the end, maybe that’s for the best.
Heroes of Ruin Not Likely to Get a Sequel
It looked promising. What happened?