The Last Story’s Zael might lead a predictable tale, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t interesting.
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 31
As long as there are the Earth, moon, sun and The Downpour Podcast, everything will be okay.
PUBLISHER SPOTLIGHT: Nozomi Entertainment (Right Stuf)
These guys handle the anime production for Right Stuf!
STREAM RECAP: Tales of Symphonia, Session 3
After our utter failure in the second session, will oprainfall’s third Tales of Symphonia stream make up for lost time?
PREVIEW: Two Brothers from Ackk Studios
How is this game shaping up?
JEFF’S MUSINGS: For Xenoblade, the Price Is Justified
After hearing the reactions to GameStop’s Xenoblade Chronicles announcement, I think a number of us need an economics lesson.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 30
All the tropes of a regular show in a third of the time!
Building Character: Celes Chere
For this entry of Building Character, we’ll take a look at Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 29
Dragon’s Crown, Tales of Xillia, Summer Carnival ’92: RECCA and…everything in between.
Pricefall: Finding Deals for Theatrhythm, Virtue’s Last Reward and more
Also Deals for Lego games, Kingdom Hearts and Shin Megemi Tensei Soul Hackers
OPINION: The Search for Game Journalism’s Roger Ebert
Ebert may have hated video games, but his talents and notoriety as a film reviewer are without question.
STREAM RECAP: Tales of Symphonia, Session 2
The second entry in a series is never as good as the first, and this Tales of Symphonia stream session was no exception.
JEFF’S MUSINGS: The Backlash #02
Readers talk about the 3DS, Xbox One, and more.
Building Character: Zero
Zero from the Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero series has it all: flowing hair, cool design, and he wields a lightsaber—what’s not to love?
A Guide to Vita Games
This is a guide to current and upcoming games you should check out for the Vita.
Crowdfunding Spotlight – GameLoading: Rise of the Indies
We look at a documentary that focuses on the Indie gaming boom and culture.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 27
So many cherished games, so little time. This episode is not to be missed!
Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls: Your Thoughts
The first phase of Vote to Localize is still ongoing. Here are some of your thoughts, hand-picked by our editing team.
OPINION: How to Improve the Nintendo eShop
Kyle’s not spewing bile at Nintendo? What sort of madness is this?
STREAM RECAP: Tales of Symphonia, Session 1
It’s the event we’ve all been waiting for: the big launch of oprainfall’s first-ever stream series on Tales of Symphonia!