This Earthbound character changes all of us.
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 47
Plenty of games, the end of the anime season, and a sit-down with our PAX East team.
OPERATION MADNESS: RPG Villain Tournament—Finals
We are in the final round of Operation Madness: RPG Villain Tournament. Check out which villains you selected to compete for Best RPG Villain.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 22: March 31- April 4th, 2014
Week 22 of Smashing Saturdays is a great one. Lots of fun new reveals, including a new Final smash, plus a great surprise for next week!
The Truth About This Q*Bert Article
*!@?! the heck?
Building Character: Q*Bert
Keep on jumping, Q*Bert!
OPERATION MADNESS: RPG Villain Tournament—Semifinals
We enter the semifinals of Operation Madness: RPG Villain Tournament with four of the most feared villains in RPGs remaining.
[April Fools 2014] Call of Duty is Even More HARDCORE Than You Think
Not only do the Call of Duty games provide a totally realistic interpretation of what it’s actually like to fight wars, they have the balls to be fascist.
[April Fools 2014] Building Character: Master Chief
Master Chief is flipping awesome. He’s the total badass of the Halo universe. He’s also sort of a character.
Crystal’s Corner: Diablo III
As with every Crystal’s Corner, I talk about something I am obsessing over. My latest obsession? The dungeon crawler RPG, Diablo III.
OPERATION MADNESS: RPG Villain Tournament—Quarterfinals
With the third round of Operation Madness: RPG Villain Tournament finishing up last night, we are now down to our EVIL EIGHT!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 21: March 24-28, 2014
Oh where, oh where has my dino steed gone?
Staff Picks: Top 10 Most Wanted Game Boy Advance Games for Virtual Console
Welcome to Staff Picks Advance! The oprainfall staff reveals the top 10 Game Boy Advance games they’d like to see on the Virtual Console.
OPERATION MADNESS: RPG Villain Tournament—Round 3
We head into Round 3 of Operation Madness: RPG Villain Tournament. Come see which one of your villains survived to the round of 16.
These guys are responsible for a lot of my fun lately.
Building Character: Edea Lee
Bravely Default is all the better for the inclusion of Edea Lee!
OPERATION MADNESS: RPG Villain Tournament—Round 2
We don’t have a billion dollars, either, but we do have a bracket.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 46
Yoshi’s New Island, Lightning Returns, Super Mario Sunshine, anime to manga adaptations and more!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 20: March 17-21, 2014
Week 20 of Josh’s continuing descent into Yoshi related madness…
OPERATION MADNESS: RPG Villain Tournament—Round 1
In celebration of all the madness that happens in March, we’ve got a tournament of 64 of our favorite RPG Villains for you to vote on.