Who is the third most famous rodent mascot character in Gameindustri? Hyperdimension Neptunia’s Pirachu of course!
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 48
Jared’s in Japan, but there are still plenty of egg-citing things to talk about.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 25: April 21-25, 2014
Falcon PAWNCH!
The Big PAX East 2014 Recap Post
All of Jonathan, Eric and Jared’s PAX East 2014 coverage in one place!
Staying true to the motto: “One atmospheric adventure after another.”
The Downpour Podcast: Time to Catch Up!
Are you all caught up with the special recordings of The Downpour Podcast?
Smashing Saturdays! Week 24: April 14-18, 2014
The theme this Saturday is amphibian menaces!
PAX East 2014: Video Interview with Studio Pixel
Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya of Studio Pixel talks about his latest game, Kero Blaster, and what it’s like to work with another level designer.
PAX East 2014: Video Interview with Playism’s Josh Weatherford
Find out what drives Playism, the publisher that helps bring Japanese indie games to English-speaking gamers.
PAX East 2014: Shovel Knight Gameplay and Live Commentary
Get a glimpse at Shovel Knight as Jonathan plays the game and Yacht Club Games’ Nick Wozniak provides commentary.
PAX East 2014: Video Interview with Yacht Club Games
Jared speaks to Yacht Club Games’ Nick “Woz” Wozniak about Shovel Knight, its online community, and how close to completion it is.
PAX East 2014: Video Interview with Ackk Studios
Jonathan Higgins talks Y2K with Ackk Studios, focusing on the music and how almost everything about the game is different from Two Brothers.
PAX East 2014: Cosplay and More From the Show Floor!
Couldn’t make it to PAX East 2014? Go there vicariously through us!
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Hex Heroes
Help this great looking Kickstarter become a reality!
The Downpour Podcast: PAX East 2014 Day 3 Recap
Jonathan, Jared, and Eric bring it in and wrap up all there is to the last day of PAX East 2014.
PAX East 2014: Interview: Jools Watsham (Renegade Kid)
On Mutant Mudds, Cult County and everything in between.
The Downpour Podcast: PAX East 2014 Day 2 Recap
Let Jonathan, Jared, and Eric regale you with stories of the cool games they got to try their hand at as well as some neat stories that could only happen at PAX.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 23: April 7-11, 2014
Yoshi is back! Now to obsess over other Brawlers…
The Downpour Podcast: PAX East 2014 Day 1 Recap
The Downpour Podcast is in Boston for PAX East 2014 to fill you in on the whole shindig. Jon, Jared, and our guest from our pre-PAX hype episode, Eric, are here to talk all the awesome games on the show floor. Have a listen!
STAFF PICKS: Top 10 Games We’d Like Localised
What do we want to see released outside of Japan? Come in and find out!