This Smashing Saturdays was amazing
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
Wolf Girl and Black Prince Ep3: Real or Fantasy?
Wolf Girl and Black Prince has just went from from a good anime, to an amazing one.
Denki-Gai Episode 3: Christmas Part 1
Christmas, eroge, and cosplay.
More Than Ecchi: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
Hyperdimension Neptunia is more than meets the eye.
OPINION: Everyone Needs a Villain
Not every story needs a villain, but it sure does help.
Super Smash Bros.: Invasion of the Mii Fighters
Hidden characters that are not hidden.
Total Control Podcast Ep. 7: Life & Hometown
Join us as we talk about Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus, the Bayonetta 2 Demo and all the many games that are coming out this month.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 50: October 14-17, 2014
It would be even more Smashing if Zael was playable…
The Fruit of Grisaia Ep 2: Lets Make Some Friends
twenty minutes of Kazami getting chased by a knife wielding Sakaki! What more could you ask for?
Wolf Girl and Black Prince Episodes 1 and 2: Okami Shoujo
Still a better love story than Twilight
Building Character: Hibari
Senran Kagura Burst brings the adorable bunny girl to life!
Denki-Gai Episode 2 — Fanservice Time Already?
Denki-Gai goes full blown ecchi on us, and it’s hilarious.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 49: October 6-10, 2014
Show me your pics!
The Fruit of Grisaia Episode 1: What Is Normal Anyways?
Just a story of your average normal boy who attends a normal school with normal students.
Total Control Podcast Ep. 6: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Arrives
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, Middle-Earth: Shadows of Mordor, rants and laughs.
Sailor Moon Crystal Acts 6 & 7 — That Guy in the Hat
And it’s a very nice hat at that.
Denki-Gai Episode 1: Love & Eros For All
Not particularly original, but it’s a fun watch.
Glasslip Episode 13 — It’s Finally Over
Celestial Method Episode 1: Saucer City
Cute loli aliens and no pantie flashes? Sign me up!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 48: September 29 – October 3, 2014
So hard to write when I just wanna play