Shock and D’aww.
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
Joe’s Top 5 PlayStation 2 Games
The Sony PlayStation 2, debuting in 2000, is now 15 years old. We talk a little bit about what made it a meaningful and successful gaming device.
Adam’s Top Five Games for the PlayStation 2
In celebration of the 15th anniversary of the PlayStation 2’s release in Japan, Adam lists his top five games for the system.
Steve’s Top 5 PS2 Games
Happy Birthday PS2!
Josh’s Top 10 PS2 Games
From Contra to Viewtiful Joe 2
Azario’s Top 5 PlayStation 2 Game List
Azario makes his top 5 list of PlayStation 2 titles to commemorate PlayStation 2’s 15th birthday!
I Am Games: The Reviewer’s Life
Find out how two years of writing reviews and other content here at oprainfall led to one contibutor developing his own games.
Building Character: Hina Takanashi
This time on Building Character: Hina Takanashi from “Listen To Me, Girls. I am Your Father!” the three-year-old who proves child characters can be awesome.
Total Control Ep 24: Don’t Let Us Down, Square Enix
Join the Total Control cast as they talk about Final Fantasy 15, games coming out in March and the greatest video game movies.
READERS VOTE: Game of the Month – January 2015
It begins again.
LIVE BROADCAST: Oprainfall Live on Twitch!
4pm MST to 9 pm MST tonight!
Total Control Ep 23: From the NIS America Press Event
Featuring a very special interview with the director of Danganronpa, Yoshinori Tearsawa
Building Character: Red and the Transistor; Transistor
This time we take a look at an odd couple from the game Transistor. Red and the Transistor.
The Total Control Podcast Ep 22: Valentines Day Special
Join the Total Control cast as they discus romantic games of the past and the New Nintendo 3DS.
I Am Games: From Player to Journalist and Beyond
In the first entry of this new editorial series, join a game player, reviewer, and designer in the story of how the first two of those titles came to be.
Total Control Podcast Ep 21: Dat Persona 5 Trailer Doe
Join the Total Control cast as they drool over the new Persona 5 trailer and talk about Pax South.
PAX South 2015 Cosplay Gallery
Small venue or not, cosplayers never pass up the chance to show off their stuff.
Total Control Podcast Ep 20: Can’t Stop a Steam Train
Join the Total Control podcast crew as they discuss oprainfall’s awards for 2014
The 2014 oprainfall Awards: Part 3
Consoles, PC, Multiplatform, and Game of the Year revealed.
The 2014 oprainfall Awards: Part 2
Readers’ Game of the Year to be revealed. Get ready to be surprised.