Can Jack the Blood Youth handle the scorching heat of his first-ever summer?
Playstation 4 News, Reviews, Previews, and More
New Character Introduced for Blue Reflection: Second Light
Another member of the party.
Tales of Arise Demo Now Available for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series & Xbox One
Get your first taste of the next entry in the Tales of series!
Kazuma Kiryu Announced for Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania
Kiryu is an unexpected addition to the cast of playable characters.
Guilty Gear’s Baiken Slashes into Samurai Shodown as DLC
Baiken’s ready to take some heads.
Melty Blood: Type Lumina – Kohaku Solo Battle Trailer
The Tohno siblings just have no chance against the maids.
Melty Blood: Type Lumina – Hisui Solo Battle Preview Trailer
Hisui shows Akiha who the true head of the household is.
BLUE REFLECTION: Second Light Update with New Characters and More
Recover Lost Memories and Battle Hideous Monsters Inside the Mysterious Land of Heartscape
MONARK – New Opening Movie Released
Will you be picking up MONARK next year?
Melty Blood: Type Lumina – Hisui and Kohaku Battle Trailer
It’s Hisui and Kohaku’s turn to show off now!
Castle of Pixel Skull Launches on Consoles this Week
Starting today.
Winter Ember to Receive Comic Book Series
Follow the adventures of Winter Ember in both video game and comic form.
Melty Blood: Type Lumina – Akiha Tohno Battle Trailer
The Tohno siblings really like fighting their maids.
REVIEW: Earth Defense Force: World Brothers
Once the the appeal of the fresh new look wears off, it starts to disappoint.
Psychological Horror, Dollhouse, Comes to Switch in October
Dollhouse brings new psychological film-noir horrors to Nintendo Switch this fall.
Kitaria Fables Gets New Trailer and Physical Releases
A new Kitaria Fables trailer drops and physical pre-orders announced due to community demand.
There’s a limited edition available for pre-order right now, exclusively in the NISA Online Store.
Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars Dashes West in 2021 for PS4
Neptunia and Senran Kagura meet in this epic crossover!
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania – Character Trailer Released
Will you be picking up Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania?
FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water to Haunt Consoles and PC this October
Celebrate the Series’ 20th Anniversary with a Special Digital Deluxe Edition