Well, that’s one mystery solved.
iOS News, Reviews, Previews, and More
Gunman Clive Soundtrack Available Now For $1
The Final Fantasy Mobile Revolution Begins – Is a Final Fantasy V Remake Coming to iOS?
At the end of a trailer of Final Fantasy IV for iOS, a bit of teaser text appears. “The Final Fantasy Mobile Revolution Begins”. What does it mean?
Saturday Morning RPG Christmas Special Available Now
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!
KEMCO Announces Holiday Big Sale On Four JRPGs
Sales sales sales!
Circle of Mana Social Game Announced
Oh, it’s a mobile game AND a social game? Everyone’s two least favorite things!
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy Available on iOS Today
Oh look, another iOS port!
Puzzle & Dragons Now Available on Android Devices
Explore the popular game Puzzle & Dragons, now available on android devices.
Square Enix Countdown Teases Star Ocean or New IP
Square Enix opens a teaser countdown website for a ‘Galaxy’ themed game. What could it be?
Final Fantasy IV Coming to Mobile Devices
Celebrate Final Fantasy while on your mobile device.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade Flying Towards North American Shores
What better way to celebrate the franchise’s 25th Anniversary than with a mobile social game?
REVIEW: Saturday Morning RPG: Episodes 1-3
Let’s get radical!
REVIEW: Karateka
Karateka is back after almost 30 years! Can it brawl its way to the top, or does it fall off a cliff?
Press Release: GungHo Announces Monster-themed Puzzle RPG, Puzzle & Dragons
More unique games for our mobile devices.
Karateka is Now Available on Xbox Live
Talk about nostalgia.
Saturday Morning RPG Episode 3 Trailer Released
You got the touch AND the power!
Nicalis President Reveals Juicy Details on Upcoming Games
Nicalis’ Pixel working on a new game, Ikachan coming to 3DS, possible Christmas update for Cave Story on eShop and more!
Pixel’s Angels and Inner-Demons: Cave Story and Perseverance
Six versions of the game, six different ways to see the “You have died” screen anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes later
Press Release: KEMCO Releases an English Version of the RPG Dark Gate
More RPGs for our mobile devices.
Phantasy Star Online 2 Hits 1 Million Subscribers
SEGA celebrates the one million subscriber milestone for Phantasy Star Online 2.