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iOS News, Reviews, Previews, and More
RIOT, a Civil Unrest Simulator, Now on Steam Greenlight
A riot simulator, appropriately titled RIOT, is currently in development by an Italian team hoping to get approval on Steam Greenlight
Telltale’s The Walking Dead Gets DLC
Gary Whitta reveals plans for extra content before Telltale’s The Walking Dead season 2.
Cryamore, Crowd Funded Action Adventure Game, Has Reached Goal for Console Release
Indie action adventure project Cryamore has reached a threshold of over $225,000 on Kickstarter to ensure its release on PlayStation 3, Wii U, and Xbox 360.
CyberConnect2 Wants You To Run From the Light in Shadow Escaper
Cyberconnect2’s next outing is on the phones and tablets. And it looks pretty good.
NIS America Press Event Recap: Toki to Towa, Disgaea
This is why everybody loves NISA!
Gunman Clive 3DS Sales Surpass Android
A victory for the 3DS eShop!
Jetpack Joyride Soars Past 1 Million Downloads on PSN
Jetpack Joyride has his quite a milestone, reaching over a million downloads on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.
PRESS RELEASE: Aeon Avenger Released in iTunes App Store
This time-traveling JRPG won’t turn your iPhone into a TARDIS or a DeLorean, but you’ll still have plenty of timey-wimey fun.
Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar Coming Soon to iOS
Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar is coming to iOS devices.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Cryamore and Power Up
Check out the Kickstarter campaigns for Cryamore and Power Up.
Hyperdimension Neptunia The App Hits iOS
What sorts of surprises does Hyperdimension Neptunia The App have in store?
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Audojo and Freedom Planet
Today’s feature: Audojo iPad case for games and the platformer Freedom Planet.
Star Wars Pinball Coming to Consoles Across the Universe
Star Wars Pinball is coming to a console near you.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Destinia
Destinia, a small mobile title published by Gamevil, is a throwback to 2D Action RPG’s. Does it hold up to what we expect out of the genre?
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Akaneiro and Wildman
We take a look at two projects—Akaneiro: Demon Hunters and Wildman—in this Crowdfunding Spotlight double feature.
Rockman Xover May Not Come to North America
Never thought I’d see the day where something like this would happen.
Gunman Clive On 3DS Outsells iOS Counterpart
The developer behind Gunman Clive takes to NeoGAF to show how well his game has sold.
Kingdom Conquest II, SEGA’s New Mobile RPG, Released
What do you mean, this is a free mobile game? Kingdom Conquest II, released today, promises console-level quality.