Hey folks, Steve here! I have taken over Crystal and Rose’s Building Character this week to bring you one of my personal favorite characters from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Author: Steve Baltimore
REVIEW: Black Rock Shooter: The Game
The long-awaited action-RPG, Black Rock Shooter: The Game, has finally arrived on PSN. Was it worth the wait?
PSN Sale: Week of April 29th
This week, Sony is having one great PSN sale with tons of great titles at prices that are virtually a steal.
PSN Weekly: For the Week of April 29th (North America)
This week on PSN there are some fantastic offerings, so lets get this party started. First off is the much anticipated Soul Sacrifice for the PS Vita.
REVIEW: Dragon Fantasy Book I
Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s I played a ton of what are today considered classic RPGs. Dragon Fantasy Book I is trip back to the days of old with a healthy dose of humor.
This Week on PlayStation Plus (Apr 23, 2013)
This week’s PlayStation Plus update brings Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny free for the Vita, plus loads of Resident Evil discounts.
Spotlight: Sacred Citadel
Sacred Citadel, a side scrolling beat em up based on the popular Sacred game series is now available.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light
Final Fantasy Four Heroes of Light is a throwback to the Final Fantasy games of old.
Preview: Black Rock Shooter The Game
NIS America announced this title some time ago and many believed it to be canceled.
REVIEW: Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
It is time once again to set out with the girls of Gamindustri on another grand adventure.
REVIEW: Foosball 2012
A few weeks ago I noticed Foosball 2012 was free on PlayStation Plus. I have never played Foosball in real life, but this game looked fun and interesting.
New Neptunia Victory Trailer Shows Off CPU Special Moves
Neptunia Victory’s CPU Special Moves are looking pretty sweet.
Vita Anniversary Sale Continues, Plus Free Games
A ton of games at 30% off for non-Plus members and a huge 50% off for Plus members.
REVIEW: Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
With its wonderful combat, great story, and tons of content, any strategy buff will be in heaven.
Games of the Past REVIEW: VVVVVV
Death Count: 1500.
PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards Begin Today
Sony has opened the polls to find out which PSN games are the cream of the crop.
Natsume to Localize Mystic Chronicles for PSP
Natsume is bringing old-school RPG goodness to the PSP.
Steam’s Deal of Day Is To the Moon
Today’s Steam daily deal is To the Moon, a unique adventure-RPG from Freebird Games.
Class of Heroes 2 Box Art Voting Begins
Voting has begun to to choose the box art for a physical release.
Sega PSP Games See a PSN Price Cut
It appears that with this week’s PSN update, some of Sega’s PSP games have gotten a nice price cut.