Brawlout is a competitive 2D platform/fighting game from developer Angry Mob Games. The game is now in Early Access on Steam, and boasts a 6 character roster to start with, with the hopes of expanding in the future. If you’d like to know more about this game, you can check out the impressions piece that we did here. They have plans in the future to add in more fighters, a story mode, single player challenges, and even a few surprises. You can pick up Brawlout on Steam for $19.99 on Steam, and it will be available later this year on both the PS4 and Xbox One. Be sure to stay tuned to our site for a full review of the game once it releases.

Dalton McClain
A gamer at heart, and a creator by trade. As a shy kid who grew up in a small town, my only solace was with the games that I enjoyed playing. That being said I enjoy just about every type of game, but more than anything I love playing horror/unique games. I look forward to sharing my knowledge of the strange and unusual with the world.
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