Mii Maker on Switch


Mii Maker on Switch

Since the launch of the Wii, the Miis have been a staple of both Nintendo hardware and software, appearing in everything from Wii Sports to Miitomo. You will not be required to have a Mii for your Nintendo Switch, however, as the system will provide various avatars and artwork to apply to your account. Fear not, Miis can be transferred to Nintendo Switch, while Mii Maker returns with a few new bells and whistles. Namely, you can now customize the hair, eye and lip color with a much more radiant palette to choose from. Whether you’re recreating your favorite cartoon characters or making you Mii look more like yourself than ever before, this is a welcome update.


Andrew Mathieu
My name is Andrew Mathieu. I'm a college student and I work part-time in my home state of Connecticut. I'm working towards being a writing and host three blogs on Wordpress about animation, comic books, and video games. I hope to one day be able to write comic books and voice my opinions about my favorite fields of entertainment.