Over on Groupees.com, you can take advantage of the JAST USA Bundle #3. But before we get to that, oprainfall would like to thank user Miqubi for sending us the tip on this story. The JAST USA Bundle #3 allows you to build your own bundle and gives you some control over how much you will pay. There are five titles you can choose from, adding anywhere from one to all five of them to your bundle. For each of these titles you add, the minimum price option increases by $2. The five titles you get to choose from are:
- Snow Drop
- Cat Girl Alliance
- Figures of Happiness
- Kana ~ Little Sister
- Heart de Roommate

These five titles are available for Windows users. These titles are not the end of your bundle options, though. There are some tiers you can take advantage of based on how much you decide to pay for your bundle. If you spend at least $20 on your custom bundle at Groupees.com, you will also get two more titles:
- Yumina the Ethereal
- Yukkuri Panic: Escalation

There is a third tier above that. To get it, you need to spend at least $30 on your custom Groupees bundle. It contains another pair of titles:
- Starless: Nymphomaniac
- Kana ~ Okaeri

At the time of this writing, the countdown at the top of the page says you have just under a week left to create and purchase your custom bundle (6 days and 18 hours left on the clock) before it ends. So head on over to Groupees.com and check it out.