Ok let’s get this out of the way real quick. I am a giant Shovel Knight fan. Yacht Club Games has a real believer in me, due to the fact that not only was this the first game I ever Kickstartered, it is arguably the most successful. Not only was the original game a retro work of art, the subsequent DLC and features added to the game only made it that much deeper and rewarding. I loved playing the game as Shovel Knight and then Plague Knight, as each campaign played entirely differently, despite mostly covering the same territory. Well, the amazing next prequel campaign, featuring none other than the spectral Specter Knight, is due out in Spring! Titled Specter of Torment, not only does this adventure look great, but it looks distinctly different from the others.

Giving off a fantastic melodic and moody vibe reminiscent of Castlevania, Specter of Torment also seems to have levels revamped for the way Specter Knight plays. Not only that, but it also seems to have dramatic new boss fights, such as the Black Knight astride some sort of armored beast! It’s really exciting stuff, and I have to give Yacht Club Games a ton of credit for constantly upping their considerable talent.

To see what I’m raving about, check out the trailer below, and stay tuned to oprainfall for more details (and likely a review) about Specter of Torment as it hits!