trails of cold steel 2 costume

Trails of Cold Steel II | costume

Trails of Cold Steel II now has costume DLC available on the PS3 and Vita! Along with costumes, there will be item DLC, new ARCUS covers. and even attachments, like the little doll attached to Laura’s arm in the picture above. All of these are available on the PlayStation Network. DLC for the Vita is available here, while the PS3 is located here. There are bundles as well to save some cash, each $29.99 for the Vita and the PS3.

In addition, XSEED has announced more item-related DLC will be coming soon. And since the DLC is cross-buy, you will get the DLC for both consoles. Not only that but any previous DLC from the first Trails of Cold Steel will be compatible with its sequel.

For more information about the game itself, you can check out our review of the second game here!


Jonathan Falu
I am currently a college student at Temple University as a MSP major in Emergent Media, and wish to one day be a paid video game critic. I currently do video reviews on the channel The Smartest Moron on Youtube over here: