DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this recap are the host’s own and do not reflect the opinions, views, and stances of oprainfall as a whole.

Youkoso Mina-san! (Welcome everyone!)
This is Operation Recap where we take a look at the week that was and try to catch you up on stories you might have missed.
…Or at least it’s supposed to be. Sadly I’m under the weather and I doubt I could make it through a 15-20 minute recap without coughing every few seconds. As such, there is no video this week, but I still wanted to at least give you a list of all the news that was for the week in case you missed something.
Video Game News:
- Stranger of Sword City Xbox One Trailer, Website Live
- Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Coming West On PS4
- Root Double- Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition Kickstarter Gets Vita Support
- Undead Darlings New Gameplay Video, Prefundia Page
- [UPDATE] Mysterious Countdown Site Teases New Compile Heart and Idea Factory Title
- Touching Mini-Game Removed From Fire Emblem Fates For The West
- Scott Cawthon Pulls FNaF World From Steam
- Great Detective Pikachu Announced
- (18+) Seinarukana – The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2 Preorder Begins
- Senran Kagura Estival Versus is coming March 15
- Pre-Order Bonuses for Nights of Azure Revealed and Screenshots
- Mistwalker Teases Unannounced Game
- RUMOR: Bandai Namco Working on NX Software, Smash Bros.
- NIS’s Rose to Tasogare no Kojō Gets a Vita Release Date
- EA Accidentally Reveals Secret Sales Figures for Xbox One
- RUMOR: Image Reveals Bravely Second is Indeed Playing Cowboys and Indians
- Chucklefish Games to Launch Stardew Valley Next Month
This week was a mixed bag as you can see. Some expected things (Valkyria Chronicles), some surprises (Seinarukana and Compile Heart’s mystery game) and some disapointments (Fire Emblem, Mighty no. 9 and Bravely Second) However, overall there’s still a lot of great things coming down the pipeline, it seems.
- Making It Rainfall Week 9: Yoshi Yoshi
- (+18)INTERVIEW: Creator of ‘La Blue Girl’ Toshio Maeda on Hentai, Tentacles, and “Not Giving a S**t”
Total Control:
Take a listen if you haven’t already to this week’s episode of Total Control. Not only do we speak with Brandon Jones about Lumin: Land of Light, but we also have quite the in-depth debate about how we each feel regarding the changes to Street Fighter V and Fire Emblem.
Story of the Week:
Fans of Keiji Inafune are some of the most loyal and patient people you will find considering all the man has gone through to bring us awesome games over the years, but even their patience has to be wearing thin with this latest delay. To put it into perspective Mega Man 2 was developed in about three to four months. Mighty No. 9 has been in development since 2013. While the landscape of game development has indeed greatly changed since the days of the NES, I just find it amazing that one of the greatest 8-Bit games was developed in such a short time, while it’s current day spiritual successor has been stuck in development hell for so long.
Sorry once again everyone, but I hope to be back next week to discuss the week’s news with you all. In the meantime, please be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube, follow us on Facebook & Twitter, and leave us some feedback in the comments below. If you can, also please consider supporting us by using our affiliate links to order things.
Have a wonderful week and I’ll see you on the next Operation Recap! Matta Raishuu!