Late last night via Twitter, Kenichiro Takaki (Producer of the Senran Kagura franchise) sent out a tweet which stated the following:
『VALKYRIE DRIVE -BHIKKHUNI-』Currently, localized version will be released is not unfortunately.Only in japanese version.I want to release…
While the meaning may seem a little vauge, if one takes into account that in Japanese, the end of the sentence accounts for whether the meaning is affirmative or negative, it would seem that Takaki-san is running into some issue localizing the game.
This morning however, Marvelous Europe stated the following via their own twitter account:
@kenichiro_taka We would be very happy to release the game in Europe! 🙂
This would seem to indicate that at the least Marvelous Europe is on board with localizing the title. At the time of publishing this article, XSEED Games, which is the US branch of Marvelous Inc., has yet to say anything on the matter.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Valkyrie Drive franchise, the series revolves around several girls who have been infected with a peculiar virus. The virus grants the girls either the ability to transform into a weapon when sexually aroused (an Exter), or they are able to wield an Exter’s weapon form (a Liberator.) An anime under the name Valkyrie Drive -Mermaid- recently aired in a censored form on Funimation during the Fall 2015 Anime season.
Our own Azario Lopez imported a copy of the game and gave a few of his thoughts during Episode 58 of the Total Control Podcast.
Take a look at the trailer below and let us know your own thoughts on the matter and if you’re hoping for an English localization, either below in the comments, on Facebook, or on Twitter.