Zero Time Dilemma - Concept Art

Zero Escape Vol 3 Promo

Aksys launched a Twitter account designed to be a teaser for the new Zero Escape game, Zero Time Dilemma. The first tweet to be posted featured character art along with the following words:


It has been more difficult than anticipated to smuggle information out of Dcom regarding the viral Zero Time Dilemma, but we at Crash Keys have finally obtained the most bare bones of details that should prove useful to surviving the coming apocalypse. It is necessary to reveal everything in small doses as to avoid detection, but we can share the first piece now. Stay alert for future communiqués.

Remember, the threat is real.

Zero Escape | Character art

Zero Escape Volume 3: Zero Time Dilemma is said to be released next summer on the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita. For those of you who are behind on Zero Escape and want to catch up before Zero Time Dilemma‘s release, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is available on the Nintendo DS and is playable on the 3DS. The sequel, Virtue’s Last Reward is on both the 3DS and the Vita. It is highly recommended that you experience these games in order, to get the most out of the experience.

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Justin Guillou
Justin joined Operation Rainfall to share his passion and knowledge for some of the more obscure video games out there.