The Behemoth, development force behind the successful last-generation beat-em-up Castle Crashers, took to their website’s official blog to announce more news for Castle Crashers Remastered. Remastered is an updated version of Castle Crashers with new features designed to enhance the experience. To start, the game is scheduled to release for Xbox One on September 9th, the middle of this week! A version of Remastered for PC is in the works and more details on that will be announced later.
Remastered is priced at $15.00. Those who own the original Castle Crashers on Xbox 360 and possess an Xbox Live Gold membership will be able to buy the game for free up to September 20th, as part of the emotionally-moving “Thank-You-For-Saving-Our-Lives-That-One-Time” promotion named in the blog sourced below! After that date, the game will be priced at a tall $5 for those who missed the 20th but still own the game on Xbox 360 and possess a Gold membership. That’s something special indeed.
Castle Crashers will also be available to play with a special form of backwards compatibility. Those who own the first version of the game on Xbox 360 will be able to play it for free on Xbox One once backwards compatibility is released for the latter system. However, playing Castle Crashers on Xbox One will not enable you access to Castle Crashers Remastered by default, meaning that choosing to play Castle Crashers on Xbox One won’t automatically receive an update and become Remastered – they’re still different games.
The release of Remastered is upon us! If you’re interested in learning even more about gameplay enhancements for this updated title, check out our original post on Castle Crashers Remastered!