Hot off the heels of the amazing, Guinness Record-breaking Kickstarter performance of Shenmue III, seven more stretch goals have been added for the latest in Yu Suzuki’s groundbreaking series. Previous stretch goals for the Shenmue III Kickstarter, which opened on Monday night after it was revealed at Sony’s E3 conference, have included Cinema Shorts from Shenmue and Shenmue II and subtitles in German, French, Spanish and Italian. Now, the following seven stretch goals have been added, from $3.2 million to $5 million:
- $3.2 million: Rapport System, which, according to the notes on the post with the stretch goals, “will add a depth of story, interactivity and character development that only Yu Suzuki can bring.”
- $3.5 million: Skill Tree System, which “will give Ryo a new way to level up and specialize his fighting move set.”
- $4 million: Baisha Village expansion—5 Minigames
- $4.2 million: Baisha Village expansion—“Infiltration Mission”
- $4.4 million: Baisha Village expansion—Additional Quest
- $4.6 million: Baisha Village expansion—Battle Event
- $5 million: Baisha Village expansion—Character Perspective System, which “will really let you explore the world of Shenmue through the different character personalities.”
Based on these new stretch goals, it is quite evident that Yu Suzuki is placing a lot of effort into Shenmue III. Indeed, the trailer for Shenmue III featured on its Kickstarter page has Baisha listed as one of three areas, the other two being Choubu and Bailu Village. In other words, there’s much more to come.
You can back Shenmue III here.