In less than 24 hours, Yooka-Laylee has destroyed through all of its stretch goals resulting in the game to reach all video gaming audiences including PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, XBox One, and Wii U. The final stretch goal of £1,000,000 ($1,513,850 USD) has been attained. It’s quite amazing how fast the Internet works these days. Mighty No. 9 took two days to reach its goal and Shovel Knight took 11 days to reach its goal.
The final stretch goal being met secures a release on PS4, XBox One, and Wii U making Banjo-Kazooie fans jump for joy.
You can still toss in some money to the project if you want to score special goodies, but you might want to move fast as a few of them are already gone.
You can check it out here.