A couple of new trailers have been released promoting the coming-ever-closer Episode Duscae demo for Final Fantasy XV. The first here is one that highlights the environments and wildlife of the world of Final Fantasy XV. This particular trailer is possibly the first of a series as it begins with the header “World of Wonder” and continues with “Volume 01: Outback.” The creatures highlighted range from the familiar to the wild and weird. The trailer also showcases the variety in this “Outback” area, from swamplands to deep forests. Various times of day in these locations were also on display. Check it out below:
This second trailer features footage from the Xbox One version of Final Fantasy XV -Episode Duscae-, and kindly, the demonstrator removed the mini-map in order to keep his exact location a mystery for when others will experience the demo for the first time. The trailer also includes some of the English voice work, a brief snippet of what caves and dungeons will look like, as well as combat. Check it out below:
Final Fantasy XV -Episode Duscae- is to release exclusively alongside first print copies of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on March 17th.