Following several trailers and videos of gameplay footage, which featured brief animated segments and artwork drawn by Tony Taka and Enami Katsumi, a new video for Exstetra featuring a full animated opening has been posted. The anime sequence is as trope-filled as it can get with the presentation of confessional meetings, magical transformations, frilly costumes, blonde tsunderes, and bishounen-men wearing glasses and all. The game uses a theme song by ClariS and will feature music by Kingdom Hearts and Xenoblade Chronicles composer Yoko Shimomura.
You can watch the video below:
Exstetra involves a modern-day Tokyo on the brink of destruction as it faces a strange phenomena: merging with another world filled with monsters and magic. As the amnesiac Ryoma, you will have the ability to awaken people’s powers by kissing them, transforming them into Prisma Knights who will enter into combat against monsters and prevent Tokyo from merging together with this new world even further.
Exstetra will release in Japan for Nintendo 3DS and Playstation Vita systems on November 17th of this year. We certainly hope there will be plans for the game to see an overseas release. More to come as the release date draws closer.