Today was a happy day. I finally got my chance to play Rayman Legends. For the record, this is a big deal to me, ’cause last year at PAX, I had the option to play either Rayman Legends or Zombie U, and I picked the latter. While I enjoyed the heck out of slaying zombie beefeaters, I deeply regretted not getting the chance to play Rayman Legends.
Ironically, though I did get a chance to play this time around, it was the Xbox 360 version. Despite some confusion over controls, since I am not even remotely used to Xbox 360 controllers, I quickly got the hang of things. I was privileged to play a delightfully insane level called “What the Duck?” in which Rayman is transformed into a duck for some reason.

Though this limits his mobility and fighting capabilities, it allowed him to hover when he jumped. Further confusing things were some mariachi pepper people in the background and evil Mardi Gras skeletal enemies. And, for some reason, Rayman was further assisted by a ravenous green sprite that devoured cake sections of the level on command.

All this made it readily apparent to me that Legends will offer the same level of manic creativity, challenge and fun as Origins. Hell, it might even outdo its predecessor. So it’s official: I cannot wait for Rayman Legends to get released in North America September 3rd, 2013.