Like a floodgate that cannot be closed, Capcom has just released the soundtrack for Mega Man 3 following last week’s Mega Man 2 soundtrack release. For $8.95, you get 39 tracks featured in the game. Mathlete Mega Man fans will notice that Mega Man 3 doesn’t have 39 music tracks. That’s because a couple of them are remixes. Check out the track list below.
The Mega Man 3 soundtrack ranks second in the hearts of most Mega Man fans, with the soundtrack to Mega Man 2 taking the top spot. Highlights include the Title Screen track (for those who prefer their opening music to be slightly less frenetic compared to Mega Man 2), Snake Man Stage, and the Proto Man Theme. Unfortunately, the soundtrack seems to have omitted the Proto man theme completely. Not even the opening couple of notes, which are always played right before Proto Man’s entrance, are available. Why Capcom decides to withhold this popular theme is a bit of a mystery. The soundtrack is available for purchase and download from Capcom’s store.