As of late, Muramasa Rebirth related news has been flooding the internet, and us here at oprainfall are not complaining! After that sweet, sweet bit of news regarding the limited edition and its release date, Marvelous AQL revealed two new modes included in the game: “Shigurui” and a mode directly related to the “Den of Thieves” or “Makutsu”.
“Shigurui” mode is basically a “hellaciously hard” mode made available after story mode for Momohime or Kisuke has been completed. From the sound of it, Murmasa Rebirth‘s “Shigurui” mode is not for the weak of heart. Meager tasks like eating or drinking can lead to an immanent insta-death!
The second mode, which could be perceived as extra content found within story mode, added to “Rebirth” deals with the “Den of Thieves” or “Makutsu”. The dens are challenge stages with certain prerequisites that must be accomplished upon completion. Along the map of Muramasa Rebirth, players will find the locations of each one marked, and after completing one of the two main characters story modes, you will gain the ability to fast travel to your Den of choice.
Once you arrive at one of the hundred Den of Thieves, you will be required to shatter the seal with one of your collected “Youtou” blades found within the campaign, and then a pretty hefty decision is presented: Grind-level your way to the recommended level or, if your feeling lucky, take a chance at completing it under said level.
Down below, for your viewing pleasure, are two new screen shots from Rebirth showing you what to expect when succumbed by a Den of Thieves.

As stated before, Aksys/Marvelous AQL went above and beyond on what could of been a simple port. Muramasa Rebirth releases June 25th in North America.