Fans of Platinum Games’ The Wonderful 101 will be happy to hear that the game is now available for pre-order on both Amazon’s and Gamestop’s websites.

The Wonderful 101 is an action/strategy game along the same vein as Nintendo’s Pikmin games. The player controls a large of team of super heroes in an effort to repel an alien invasion. This is accomplished by combining the group into various weapons and tools, including giant swords, fists, airplanes and ladders. Most of these actions are managed through the Wii U’s Game Pad. The Game Pad’s screen can also be used to access areas which would normally be unviewable through the main screen’s top-down view.
The game currently has a tentative release date of December 31 and May 1 at Amazon and Gamestop, respectively. Hopefully we’ll be seeing a more definite date as time goes on. In the meantime, fans are encouraged to show their support and preorder now.