Ys fans can get hyped for Ys Celceta: Sea of Trees, which releases in Japan on September 27th, with a brand new gameplay trailer from developer Falcom. The trailer shows off the game’s battle system, along with a few of the playable characters, and a glimpse of the game’s story.
Those of us outside of Japan still have to wait for a localization announcement, but despair not, for the game has yet to release in Japan, and certain publishers have a strong relationship with the Ys series.
Devin is a Canadian, and as such, plays hockey (no he doesn’t) and drinks maple syrup (not really) while riding a wild moose (he’s never seen a moose). When he’s not perpetuating cultural stereotypes, he’s playing videogames, which has been, on occasion, very bad for his mental health, problems with which have plagued him for years. Now, at 20, he’s getting his mental health issues under control, and he’s trying to decide what to do with his life. He’s currently debating between journalism and trying his hand at the dramatic arts.