Rayman Legends has had a close relationship with the WiiU. About a month ago, a leaked trailer unveiled a few of the features that would be incorporated into the Wii U version like NFC and touch screen support. At Ubisoft’s conference at E3, even more details were shown off.

The Wii U Game Pad took center stage for the duration of the demo, in which a new character, Murphy, was revealed. Murphy is controlled by the player using the Wii U Game Pad. Unlike the other characters, Murphy is free to float around the screen following the player’s finger or stylus on the touch screen. As shown in the recent reveal trailer, players will be able to manipulate the environment using the Wii U’s touch screen. In the onstage demo, Murphy was used to cut ropes, grab enemies, activate switches, and move platforms. The Wii U’s screen was also used to find hidden objects in the game world.
There were no details on the NFC feature at the press conference. However, it was revealed that the Wii U version of Rayman Legends would support up to five players, four using traditional controllers and one using the Wii U Game Pad. Rayman Legends is due for release on the Wii U later this year.