More details for Hello Games’s upcoming open world science-fiction game, No Man’s Sky, were revealed at E3 today. The game is going to be very open ended and not have a determined path or structure. It is up to the player to choose their own path and make their own story and character. Planets are randomly generated and are able to be discovered. Each planet is going to be massive and have its own environments and creatures. Exploration is going to be an important part of No Man’s Sky. The game will have three distinct game play styles: exploration, trading, and fighting. All of your equipment and ships can be upgraded during the game. The Atlus serves as a central hub for saving your progress and uploading content online to share with your friends. We do not know what kind of content can be shared online other than the worlds you can discover inside the game. No Man’s Sky is being developed for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Crafting items is as simple as finding blueprints.
What are your thoughts on the gameplay for No Man’s Sky? Is this game’s style appealing? Share us your thoughts on the game below.