If you’re a fan of the Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter series, then this is awesome news for you. A video preview has just been released for the Fire Emblem: Awakening costumes that will be available in Monster Hunter Frontier G, and they look pretty darn cool. The video features both Chrom and Lucina costumes, complete with sword and shield. These costumes will be coming to the Wii U version of Monster Hunter Frontier G in Japan. Be sure to check out the video below.
Monster Hunter Frontier G is an MMORPG in the Monster Hunter franchise, and was released in Japan on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 earlier this year. The Wii U version of the game, which features the Fire Emblem costumes, will be coming out in Japan on December 11th. The game is also headed to Vita sometime next year. If you’re looking for some more info on Monster Hunter Frontier G, be sure to check out the recent gameplay trailer, as well as the latest set of screenshots.
Unfortunately there’s no news of this game heading westward yet, so fans in North America, Europe, and Australia will have to admire these awesome costumes from afar for now. In the meantime, if you’re a Monster Hunter fan looking for some reading material, oprainfall has you covered. Check out some of our biggest Monster Hunter fans discussing the series, some awesome Monster Hunter stuff from around the internet, and reviews of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U and 3DS. And if you’re looking for some Fire Emblem: Awakening reading, check out oprainfall’s review of the game.