Ace Attorney fans, take note: Capcom has finally revealed what Famitsu readers were waiting for, and it’s as good as it gets.
Hopefully, fans will have no further OBJECTIONS.
Ace Attorney 5, originally revealed back in January, is officially a 3DS game. No Apollo Justice here – the main character is once again Phoenix Wright, albeit with a new partner.
Will joined the Operation Rainfall Campaign soon after news broke of that infamous French interview about Xenoblade. Subsequently, he got actively involved and became a staff member in July/August 2011. He is currently the head of the Japanese translation team, and loves to play, discuss, debate and learn more about games. Will gravitates towards unconventional action games and RPGs, but plays pretty much anything except Madden. He is also currently attending college, honing his Japanese skills and preparing for medical school. (Coincidentally, Trauma Center is one of his favorite game series of all time.)
[caption id="attachment_199874" align="aligncenter" width="610"] All those cute, pixelated guys are going to break your fav RPGs.[/caption] Following in the footsteps