As this year’s Tokyo Game Show has featured a plethora of announcements, Namco Bandai has uploaded the first English footage of the sequel to the recently released Tales of title, Tales of Xillia 2. Only in-game cutscenes are featured and one of the voice overs for the dub can be heard narrating what can be described as you choosing your path. A new element Namco Bandai introduced in the series is the main character being mostly voiceless and you making choices that reflect him and lead you down a path towards a specific ending. The team decided to make the tone much darker when approaching the writing, and even having a bad ending depending on your choices. You can check out the trailer below.
Tales of Xillia 2 was announced for localization before Tales of Xillia was even released, stated due to impressive pre-order numbers, being at the highest for a Tales of title in the West in recent years. The game is a PlayStation 3 exclusive, and will arrive in Western regions next year along with the HD compilation, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, which is also an exclusive title for the PlayStation 3. Tales of Xillia 2 is also available for pre-order, so if you want to send the message to Namco Bandai yet again, that we want titles like these, you know what to do.