Not content to merely try and disprove the notion that Senran Kagura is an Eroge, Benny decides to try and see if the series famous for “Life and Hometown” might just be a little deeper than people think.
OPINION: What is Senran Kagura? Part 1 – Senran Kagura is Not an Eroge
Twitch seemed to have thought that Senran Kagura was an Eroge and thus too hot for it’s viewers to handle. Benny decides to take on this argument head on, as well as compare the sexuality in the franchise to what’s found in Western games.
(Japan) Corpse Party: Blood Covered… Fear Repeated Out This July
Corpse Party: Blood Covered… Fear Repeated will mark the series debut on Nintendo 3DS when it launches in July.
Ys Series Now Available on and Humble Bundle
Ys games now available DRM-free.
New Senran Kagura Estival Versus Screenshots Appear
New characters for you to play as!
XSEED Registers Domains for Corpse Party: Blood Drive, Xanadu Next, and Trails of Cold Steel
Well, we are off to a good start in 2015.
Forbidden Magna May Be Coming to the West
Forbidden Magna coming to the West already?! Pretty good way to start off the new year, right?
More Updates from XSEED on Story of Seasons
More news for the upcoming Bokujō Monogatari game.
AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead and Undressed PlayStation 4 Release Date
All the otaku goodness!
REVIEW: Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
More Senran Kagura bouncing your way.
XSEED Updates Progress on Story of Seasons
After a long period of silence, XSEED is finally giving us an update on Story of Seasons.
Experience a geek-savvy, playfully sexy adventure.
Ragnarok Odyssey ACE Expansion Announced for PSN
The Prison of the Gods expansion for Ragnarok Odyssey ACE has finally been set for release.
REVIEW: Ragnarok Odyssey ACE
Happiness is a giant hammer.
XSEED Releases New Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Trailer, Day One DLC Info
Info about day one DLC and a new trailer that shows off the Sword Warrior class.
Ys: Memories of Celceta Released With New Launch Trailer
Standard and Limited Editions available.