Check out oprainfall’s top thirty-one games of the past decade (2010-2019)! This third of a five-part series covers the years 2014 and 2015.
Tag: Wii
Oprainfall’s Best Games of the Decade- Part Two: 2012-2013
Check out oprainfall’s top thirty-one games of the past decade (2010-2019)! This second of a five-part series covers the years 2012 and 2013.
Oprainfall’s Best Games of the Decade- Part One: 2010-2011
Check out oprainfall’s top thirty-one games of the past decade (2010-2019)! This first of a five part series covers the years 2010 and 2011.
IMPRESSIONS: Zombie Panic In Wonderland DX on Switch
Panic at the zombie disco.
The Wii Fit Effect: A History of the Exercise Game Movement
Let us get physical!
Wii Minigame Compliation Go Vacation Is Coming To Nintendo Switch
A late-in-life Wii title gets a second chance.
Switch is Now the Fastest Selling Home Console Ever in U.S.
The original Wii console has fallen in defeat to the Nintendo Switch.
Captain Rainbow Fan Translation now up for download
The Wii-era game, Captain Rainbow, is being translated for western players.
Six MORE Games For Halloween
Its up to you to decide which games are a trick or a treat.
Wii Shopping Channel Shuts Down Worldwide In 2019
First phase of the shutdown commences next March
FEATURE: Five Years Later and Xenoblade is Still Awesome
Give this game a shot if you have not already.
Project Zero 2: Wii Edition Arrives On Europe’s Wii U eShop
One of the few dozen games fans in the US never got to play that made it over to Europe.
Get All Three Last Generation Consoles at GameStop for $160
There is a reason we’re getting so many remasters this generation.
Xenoblade Virtual Console Trailer is Out!
Nintendo released a trailer for Xenoblade!
Two Tribes to Retire from Game Development
In a bit of sad news, developer Two-Tribes has posted on their blog that they have decided to retire from game development after they finish development on RIVE.
Nintendo Wins Patent Case Against its Wii Console
Nintendo has put out word that they have won a patent case brought against their Wii console by UltimatePointer, LLC.