Final Fantasy VI will always be held dear to this editor.
Tag: Square Enix
*Update* Final Fantasy VII Now Available on Square Enix’s Online Store
No, it’s not an HD remake.
Games of the Past REVIEW: The World Ends with You
Haven’t played this game yet? So zetta slow! Come here to find out why you should!
Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Website Opened!
It’s been a long time for sure.
More Theatrhythm DLC for August
More DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy has been announced.
New Dragon Quest X Screenshots
ome new screenshots for Dragon Quest X have emerged just before the game’s Japanese release.
Upcoming Releases: Growlanser 4 & Kingdom Hearts 3D
Two handheld JRPGs await you!
Next Final Fantasy XIII Project In The Works
New tidbits of info on the next Final Fantasy XIII game come from Famitsu.
Final Fantasy III Coming to OUYA
I’ll let that sink in for a minute.
Bravely Default Gameplay Footage & Incoming Fourth Demo
More goodies… for Japanese gamers.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Coming Soon
Final Fantasy XIV receives a complete makeover and is now called “A Realm Reborn”
More Dragon Quest 3DS App Info and Images
New info about the Dragon Quest 3DS App has been revealed.
Nintendo of Japan to Host Dragon Quest X Nintendo Direct on July 30th
What will be shown? Tune in and find out.
UPDATE: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Alive and Well, Says Wada
Versus XIII’s rumor has been put to rest by the Man himself.
Bravely Default Collector’s Edition Revealed
Japan always gets the good stuff.
Square Enix Releases Star Burial Dragnir onto iOS
A new episodic RPG is released on iOS in Japan courtesy of Square Enix.
Dragon Quest X 3DS App
Square-Enix unveils a new 3DS app to be used with Dragon Quest X.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
An editor takes a stab at reviewing one of the big HD JRPG releases for this generation.
Final Fantasy XIII: More to be Revealed Soon
Square Enix to announce further developments on the Final Fantasy XIII Project.
Dragon Quest X Japan TV Commercial
Salivate while you wait for an announcement