For this week’s Cooking Eorzea column, I make Knight’s Bread from the Coerthas Region of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online’s Eorzea.
Tag: Square Enix
Square Enix Debuts New LIVE A LIVE Trailers
Get a glimpse at a couple more chapters in this upcoming title.
Cooking Eorzea Week 22: Salmon Muffins
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I make the Salmon Muffins recipe with yet more freshly-made Ishgardian Muffins!
REVIEW: Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden
This is the first Voice of Cards title I’ve gotten to fully play through, but it is the second game in the series.
Cooking Eorzea Week 21: Royal Eggs
In this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I make Royal Eggs and I celebrate the 20th anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XI Online.
Cooking Eorzea Week 20: Ishgardian Muffin
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea column, I make the Ishgardian Muffin recipe from the Coerthas Region of Eorzea.
Embracer Group Has Purchased Some Studios from Square Enix
Today it was announced that the Embracer Group has purchased Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal and Square Enix Montreal from Square Enix,
Cooking Eorzea Week 19: Honey Muffin
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea column, I make the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Thanalan region honey muffin recipe with honey and oats.
Cooking Eorzea Week 18: Cornbread
I make Cornbread for this week’s Cooking Eorzea with lots of butter and honey as I also try to re-join the dating scene.
Cooking Eorzea Week 17: Bacon Bread
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I try my hand at making bread for the first time ever in my life…with the Bacon Bread recipe!
Kingdom Hearts IV, Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Announced
Sora is back and looking better than ever.
Cooking Eorzea Week 16: Tuna Miq’abob
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea column, I return back to the grill and make Tuna Miq’abobs with marinated ahi tuna!
REVIEW: A New World: intimate music from FINAL FANTASY
I attended the Berkeley, CA performance of A New World: intimate music from FINAL FANTASY, and I found a concert for true series fans.
Cooking Eorzea Week 15: Steppe Salad
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I create a Steppe Salad from the Othard Region of Eorzea in FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
Triangle Strategy Shipments and Sales Approaches 800,000 Worldwide
New illustration by Naoki Ikushima to mark this milestone
Cooking Eorzea Week 14: Sandwich Basket
This week’s Cooking Eorzea dish is the Sandwich Basket from the Shadowbringers expansion from FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
Nintendo Download 3/17/22
The Nintendo Download has a couple of big publisher sales, Mario Kart got DLC tracks and Gal*Gal: Double Peace makes it’s way to the Switch.
oprainfall Week End Review 3/6/22– 3/12/22
This week’s oprainfall Week End Review has a ton of news.
Cooking Eorzea Week 13: Popoto Salad
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I make Popoto Salad from the Norvrandt region of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
Valkyrie Elysium Revealed at State of Play
Valkyrie goes action-RPG in Elysium