I need this now!
Tag: Square Enix
PR: Chrono Trigger Tribute Album and Art Collection Chronicles of Time Now Available
Your musical prescription for those post Valentine’s Day blues, a 5 disc Chrono Trigger tribute album.
Square Enix’s Online Store 1st Anniversary Sale Now Live
Square Enix is currently holding a sale for a large portion of their products to celebrate the first anniversary of their online store!
Quistis to Appear in World of Final Fantasy
This world just gets bigger and better
Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna Web Commercial
A short clip of a game that looks to be a good bit of fun
Bravely Second Character Trailer Introducing Magnolia Arch
Two more days until the demo for Europe.
PRESS RELEASE: Adventures of Mana Available For Mobile Devices
The first entry in the legendary series comes to mobile
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 3.2 The Gears of Change Notes, Info
New content and some changes, one controversial, coming for FF XIV
Final Fantasy Explorers Available Today
With a new launch trailer.
PRESS RELEASE: Next Final Fantasy XV ATR Announced
Sneaking and spellcasting in the spotlight
Star Ocean 5 Crafting System Screen Shots
New details emerge regarding the highly anticipated sequel
Release Window and New Screenshots for Dragon Quest VII
A breakdown of the screens and what they say about the remake.
PR: Final Fantasy Explorers’ 11 Legacy Characters
Your favorite Final Fantasy heroes are back and ready to attack weak points for massive damage!
Square Enix Is Releasing David Bowie’s PC Game For Free For A Limited Time
Square Enix shows respect for the passing of David Bowie.
Short & Sweet: RPGs Worth your time
Who says you need to devote lots of time to RPGs?
Hajime Tabata Talks Final Fantasy XV’s Themes and Narrative
Tabata talks innovating the mechanic of exposition in FF XV
Final Fantasy IX Steam Page Live
“Coming soon” may mean even sooner than we expected.
Final Fantasy IX Coming to PC, Mobile
Square Enix still has one more announcement for us before the new year.
Tom’s Top 5 Anticipated Games of 2016
God? It’s Tom. Can I please have more money and more hours added to each day of the week?
Jeff’s Localization Wishlist for 2016
A little bit of time, a couple doses of dragons, and a heaping helping of monsters.