This game generates a lot of hate, but I will always have a soft spot for it.
E3 Impressions: Win Back the West with Wild Guns Reloaded
A Wild West Shooter that lets be blow away giant robots with Gattling guns? Yes Please!
William’s Favorite Video Game Couples
My personal top five video game couples of all time, a diverse array of tastes for the Valentine’s Day connoisseur.
PR: Chrono Trigger Tribute Album and Art Collection Chronicles of Time Now Available
Your musical prescription for those post Valentine’s Day blues, a 5 disc Chrono Trigger tribute album.
Megami Tensei 1&2 Translation Patch Released
The fan translators have pulled through once again!
Game Boy Mega Man Games Coming in May
Capcom is Bringing more Game Boy Mega Man games to the 3DS and is letting you decide which one comes out first. Find out how.
Nintendo Download: November 11th (Europe)
Mega Man X2 and more games await!
Games of the Past REVIEW: Disney Games
A look back into the history of licensed Disney games.
CAMPAIGN HUB: We Desire Breath of Fire Mass-Posting to Capcom on August 1-2
This upcoming Thursday, August 1, 2013 will see Breath of Fire fan group “We Desire Breath of Fire” continuing their mass-posting to Capcom.
CAMPAIGN HUB: We Desire Breath of Fire – Mass-posting to Capcom on July 1
NOTE: This article is from the oprainfall campaign hub, written by an independent campaign, and hosted on the oprainfall website. The opinions herein may not represent the opinions of the oprainfall website. This upcoming Monday, July 1, 2013 we will continue our monthly mass-social media posting to renew interest in the Breath of Fire series and show […]
E3 2013: RetroN 5 Retro Gaming Console
Breathing new life into old games.
CAMPAIGN HUB: We Desire Breath of Fire – Mass-posting to Capcom on June 1
June 1, 2013 we will march on with our campaign with a seventh mass-social media posting to renew interest
The Downpour Podcast Episode 15
It’s all about retro gaming in this week’s Downpour Podcast. These are our stories—what’s yours?
Nintendo Direct: New Virtual Console Announcements
More classic gaming goodness is on the way!
Operation Rainfall Origins : Demon’s Crest
All it took to open my eyes was a demon named Firebrand…
We Desire Breath of Fire – 20th Anniversary Livestream II April 16, 1PM EST
NOTE: This article is from the oprainfall campaign hub, written by an independent campaign, and hosted on the oprainfall website. The opinions herein may not represent the opinions of the oprainfall website. A second Breath of Fire 20th anniversary livestream on Twitch.TV channel will commence early next week! I’ll be streaming some Breath of Fire II (SNES) and chatting. This […]
We Desire Breath of Fire – 20th Anniversary Livestream April 6, 1PM EST
NOTE: This article is from the oprainfall campaign hub, written by an independent campaign, and hosted on the oprainfall website. The opinions herein may not represent the opinions of the oprainfall website. Join your Breath of Fire admin for a 20th anniversary celebration on my Twitch.TV channel! I’ll be streaming some BoF1 (SNES) and chatting. […]