When in a bind, Cactus destroys first and asks questions later. Help her with her wanton destruction.
Tag: PS4
DUAL GEAR Ready to Bring Mech Action to Indiegogo
This turn based strategy game with RPG elements is blasting off all the way from Thailand to hopefully bring giant robot destruction on multiple platforms.
REVIEW: Zotrix
What do you get when you breed several classic arcade shooters from the 1980’s? Check inside to find out.
No Man’s Sky Gets a Release Date
Check inside for release details on possibly the most anticipated indie title of 2016.
Bandai Namco Posts God Eater Dev Diary Video
Watch this space for more God Eater YouTube content to come.
Witch and The Hundred Knight: Revival Edition Out Today in NA
Check out a trailer and screens here.
PSN Weekly: Week of 2/29/2016
Celebrate Leap Day with some of these titles coming to PlayStation Network.
Playstation 4 Update 3.50 Details Released
Is PSN update MUSASHI a Brave Fencer? Check inside to see!
Square Enix Details Star Ocean 5 PS4/PS3 Differences
Square Enix details performance and feature differences between PS3 and PS4 for the newest Star Ocean.
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Nyotengu Character Trailer
I think she’s becoming my favorite.
Bandai Namco Publishing the Console Ports of Necropolis
If dying is your cup of tea, check out this new roguelike announced for consoles.
Touhou Project Urban Legend In Limbo Heads to PS4
Another treat for fighter lovers on the PS4.
PR: Senran Kagura Estival Versus Busts Out a NA Release Date
Dark Souls III “True Colors” Trailer
My true color is blue! I think…
PR: Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Skills & Combat Trailer
Check out that beautiful Vanillaware artwork on the PS4 with the new Skills trailer and screenshots.
English Subtitled Gundam Breaker 3 Releasing in June
Craft your own Gunpla and challenge against others in this English subtitled import from Play-Asia.
PSN Weekly: Week of 2/22/2016
Releases highlighted include one AAA game and a slew of fun indies, homages, and one true arcade classic.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Will Have Dual Protagonists
A new character that’s stronger and faster than Adol. Dana is looking to take that main protagonist spot.
NIS America Confirms Grand Kingdom Release Date, Dual Audio
Grand Kingdom is coming this summer in mid June.
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness Leaked For Western Release
The usual press conference leak has occured, this time for the visual novel Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness coming this year.