At E3 2013 Jared went hands on with Contrast and the PlayStation 4 controller.
Tag: PS4
The Downpour Podcast: E3 2013 Day 4 Recap
The final day of E3 has come and gone. Get the crew’s final thoughts, as well as their usual entertaining, if not insane, banter in this Downpour Podcast!
E3 2013: Character Details, Screens For Final Fantasy XV
The Fantasy is starting to look pretty darn real…
EA Discusses Strategy and Confirms Mirror’s Edge 2 is Open-world
Mirror’s Edge 2 will be an open-world action adventure game. EA plans to continue releasing fewer IPs, while making them bigger and better.
E3 2013: The Order 1886 Details
History and sci-fi combine in this new title from Ready at Dawn.
E3 2013: PlayStation Plus Required to Play Some MMORPGs
PlayStation Plus won’t be a requirement for all free-to-play online titles.
The Downpour Podcast: E3 2013 Day 2 Recap
Our E3 2013 LA crew are here to give their take on the second day’s news, as well as hands-on impressions of show floor games.
E3 2013: First Look At Final Fantasy XV Gameplay
The wait seems to have been worth it.
E3 2013: Square Enix Shares More Final Fantasy XV Details
Square Enix sheds some light on the new development direction Final Fantasy XV will be taking.
E3 2013: Killzone: Shadow Fall Trailer
Excited for Killzone: Shadow Fall? Check out the E3 trailer.
E3 2013: PlayStation 4 Will Be Region-Free
Good news for everyone!
E3 2013: New Knack Trailer Released
Sony releases a new trailer for Knack, one of the PlayStation 4’s several launch titles and shows off some of the game’s unique and innovative elements.
E3 2013: Sony Showcases The Order 1886
Some steampunk on the PS4
E3 2013: New Infamous Second Son Trailer Released
Shooting fire from your hands never looked so good.
E3 2013: Sony Reveals the Design of the PlayStation 4
Back in black.
E3 2013: Watch the Sony Conference Live
Watch it live here at 5:45 pm PDT
E3 2013: Assassin’s Creed IV : Black Flag Trailer
Death by helm! Ouch…
E3 2013: Ubisoft Announces Tom Clancy’s The Division
Interesting concept.
E3 2013: Mirror’s Edge Reboot Trailer Revealed
EA finally reveals the long-speculated follow-up to the 2008 original.
E3 2013: Dragon Age III: Inquisition Coming Fall 2014
Looks like Morrigan will be joining us for this next installment in the Dragon Age series!