Have a look at these beautiful shots of the Duscae region, monster encounters, and Noctis and crew taking a rest at camp in between exploring the land.
Tag: PS4
Axiom Verge Release Date, Weapons Detailed in PS Blog
A new Metroidvania? Sold.
Senran Kagura Estival Versus’s Multiplayer Modes
We detail Senran Kagura Estival Versus’ 3 multiplayer modes and share information on 2 newcomer characters.
New Disgaea 5 English Trailer Arrives with a Vengeance
NISA has finally released an English (subtitled) trailer for the greatly anticipated Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance.
Godzilla Game Localisation Announced
Bandai Namco has announced that it’s latest Godzilla game is being localised, and will be brought over to both the United States and Europe very soon.
Giant Sale of Atlus Games on PSN
So much Atlus love…
Press Release: Koei Tecmo Launches Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
PS3 version delayed by one week.
PSN Sale: Aksys Titles, Neptunia Re;Birth 1, and More
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1, Tales of Xillia 2, and Arcana Heart 3 to name a few.
List of Titles Coming to PS3, PS4 and PS Vita in 2015
What game(s) are you looking forward to?
Press Release: Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Directors Cut
Your dreams are about to get twisted
New Persona 5 Trailer Released
One word: Wow!
UPDATE: “No Metal Gear Rising 2 Tease at Taipai Games Show”
Return of the Revengening!
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Collector’s Edition Video Reveal
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is getting a fully loaded (and somewhat pricey) collector’s edition, along with the already announced Final Fantasy XV demo.
Dragon’s Dogma Online Coming to PS3, PS4 and PC
Dragon’s Dogma Online is set to combine four-player open world monster slaying with a free-to-play model.
(Japan) Yakuza 0 Themed Sony Systems Coming Soon
Western audiences needn’t hold their breaths…
Full Subscription Option Coming to PlayStation Now
PlayStation Now will soon receive a full subscription-based service option.
Justin’s Most Anticipated Games of 2015
2015 will be quite nice.
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition Announced
Capcom has revealed that DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is coming to PS4 and Xbox One.
Charlie Is Back In Street Fighter V
Time to warm up my Street Fighter Sonic Boom thumb muscles
REVIEW: In Space We Brawl
Is In Space We Brawl a shining star, or dead in orbit? Find out in our review!