Who doesn’t love physical editions?
Tag: Play Asia
Rainbow Skies Launches in 2018, Physical Editions Announced
It’s still coming to PS3!
Cursed Castilla EX Leaps to Vita This November
You are the lone knight against the hordes of darkness
Play-Asia Getting a RIVE PS4 Limited Edition
Another nice looking LE exclusively at Play-Asia.
RE-REVIEW: Ghost Blade HD
Physical copies of bullet hell shooters are rare, Limited Editions are almost unheard of.
REVIEW: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
His original name was Willy the Wombat until he was hit by too many crates, true story.
Tachyon Project Gets LE Courtesy of Play-Asia
Get ready to get that sexy Asian LE!
Ghost Blade HD Recieving PS4 Physical Edition via Play-Asia
Another PS4 shmup goes physical.
Persona 5 merchandise Pre-Orders- No longer Convention Exclusive
Some exclusive Persona 5 merchandise is now available from Atlus.
Play-Asia Weekly Special: Mega Man, Dark Souls III, and More
Saving money one game at a time.
Play-Asia Weekly Special, Mortal Kombat Figure, and More
5% discount when paying with PayPal.
Play-Asia Sales include Dragon’s Dogma, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Pick up a game or two.
Cursed Castilla EX LE Hits Asia Courtesy of Play-Asia
Asian gamers get the best swag…
Play-Asia Weekly Special Includes Final Fantasy XV
Who can resist a weekly special?
Blue Rider Is Getting a Physical Collector’s Edition via Play-Asia
This got positive user reviews on Steam, which is a good sign of this game’s quality.
Play-Asia Weekly Sale Offers Discount on PlayStation Titles
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