Simplicity with a dash of frustration.
Tag: PC
(Japan) Dragon Quest: Monster Parade Trailer
Adventure around the lands with your “Monster Parade.”
(Japan) Capcom Announces 3 New Monster Hunter Spin-offs
Cards, Felynes, and village defense.
Dysfunctional Systems: Episode One 50% Off
Don’t miss your chance to pick up this amazing visual novel while it’s on sale!
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 2 War of the Abyss Trailer Released
Kisareth Studios has released a trailer for their upcoming Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 2 War of the Abyss.
Final Fantasy VII Released on Steam
If you missed the digital release last year, now’s your chance to get it on Steam!
REVIEW: The Night of the Rabbit
Beautiful but flawed, this adventure game is for long time fans of the genre only.
REVIEW: Gunpoint
Dive out windows! Hijack electrical systems! Dodge and knock out guards! All thanks to your fancy pants!
(Japan) Dragon Quest X Heading to PC
Square Enix has revealed that the formerly Nintendo exclusive Dragon Quest X will receive a PC port. It will release on September 26.
REVIEW: Dust: An Elysian Tail
Fans of Metroidvania platformers will find a kindred spirit in this beautiful game.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Soul Saga
Disastercake is really pouring its heart and soul into Soul Saga, a JRPG looking for funding on Kickstarter.
Wii U Will Be Getting Teslagrad
Rain Games’ upcoming puzzle-platformer, Teslagrad, is making its way to the Wii U. The game is set for release this Fall.
E3 2013: Double Fine Shares “Double Fine’s 90,000 Friends”
Be sure to check out this inspiring story of a unique connection between gamers and developers.
NeoCore Announces Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Sequel
Van Helsing is coming back for a sequel.
Kickstarter: GhostControl Inc.
Can you control the ghosts?
Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara – Magic User Trailer
Witness the prowess of the magic user.
E3 2013 : DuckTales Remastered Transylvania Footage
I don’t like the look of that castle, Uncle Scrooge…
Four Wii U Screenshots Released For Two Brothers
Here are four new screenshots for your viewing pleasure.
EA Discusses Strategy and Confirms Mirror’s Edge 2 is Open-world
Mirror’s Edge 2 will be an open-world action adventure game. EA plans to continue releasing fewer IPs, while making them bigger and better.
E3 2013: Hands-On: Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
The Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 demo was something that left me wanting more. Not in the sense that what I played left me so excited that I need to play the whole thing tomorrow, but more in the sense that I wished it had more to offer and hoping the whole game has more […]