Better get your pre-orders in soon!
Tag: NIS America
PRESS RELEASE: Idea Factory International Launches Official Website
Could this mean Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth and Fairy Fencer F will both get localized? We certainly hope so!
NIS America Publishing Etrian Odyssey Untold For Europe
Hopefully the wait wont be too long.
Press Release: NIS America Releasing Ys: Memories of Celceta in Europe
NIS America to release Ys: Memories of Celceta in Europe
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP Heading West in 2014
NIS America has just confirmed Hyperdimension Neptunia PP will be heading to North America and Europe in 2014.
Press Release: Mugen Souls Z to Hit North America & Europe in 2014
Who could have seen this coming?!
The Guided Fate Paradox Arriving on November 5th
We don’t get too many rougelike games, so color us excited.
REVIEW: Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
Disgaea D2 is a direct sequel to the original Disgaea that released ten years ago. There have been a lot of gameplay changes over the years.
Atelier Meruru Plus Now Available on PSN
Will you help Meruru learn alchemy to help her kingdom grow?
English Screenshots for The Guided Fate Paradox
Are you getting this game when it releases?
(Europe) Dragon’s Crown Release Date Announced
NIS America is on a roll this month.
Disgaea D2 First-Run Bonuses Revealed
Get ready to enter Item World again, this time with some extra bonuses.
Etrian Odyssey IV Demo Out In Europe This Week
Of course you won’t be left out PAL region.
(Japan) Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Screenshots
The girls are looking good!
Disgaea D2 Second English Trailer Released
It’s shaping up to be another must-play Disgaea title.
PRESS RELEASE: Disgaea Characters in Character Chowdown
Because knowledge is power, dood.
REVIEW: Time and Eternity
Worst game of the year? Nah.
Time and Eternity Launch Trailer
Time and Eternity and Shin Megami Tensei IV released on the same day!
Danganronpa and Demon Gaze Headed to the West
Europe and North America will be seeing these games on their shores courtesy of NISA.
Building Character: Naoto Shirogane
For this installment of Building Character, we’ll take a look at the Detective Prince from Persona 4.