So, Mario’s Picross…yeah.
Tag: Nintendo
Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC – Ike
Path of Radiance’s hero enters the fray.
Mutant Mudds Coming to OUYA
Renegad Kid certainly believes in the OUYA.
Dragon Quest X Japan TV Commercial
Salivate while you wait for an announcement
French Retailers List Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney
Some french retailers have listed release dates for Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney.
PlayStation All-Stars Developers Wished For Mario in Their Game?
The truthiest of truths or the trolliest of trolls? You decide!
Shin Megami Tensei: Taking a Training Day!
I usually don’t make a post if I’m not going to be live streaming Shin Megami Tensei that day, but you’re all such a great audience I figured I should let you in on a little bit of what’s happening behind the scenes. It looks like there are a lot of demons I need to […]
Renegade Kid’s Planet Crashers Landing on eShop
This RPG is crashiing in this July.
VGTribune Smash Bros Poll Lets Fans Request New Characters
The results will be sent to Masahiro Sakurai, so vote soon!
Making Of: ZombiU E3 2012 Trailer
A little look in the creation of the trailer.
VIDEO: Shin Megami Tensei (Super Famicom + Wii(U) Virtual Console, Japan) Part 18
In our last episode of Shin Megami Tensei, we threw away the gushing jar so that we could talk to Ozawa. He summoned his demon, Take-Minakata, who overpowered the party and threw them out. J-Man, determined to have his revenge, fused himself with a random demon from our party, and allowed us to match Take-Minakata’s […]
Wii U and Unreal Engine 4, More 3rd Party Games
Unreal 4 sports next gen tech. But will Wii U be able to support it?
Mighty Switch Force Down to $3 This Weekend. THREE DOLLARS!!!
Do I even need to explain?
Little Inferno Teaser Trailer
(promotes arson in a jovial way)
VIDEO: Shin Megami Tensei (Super Famicom + Wii(U) Virtual Console, Japan) Part 17
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei I and II are going to be available on Japan’s Wii VC! Let’s hope they come over like Monster World IV.
OPINION: Why I Love / Hate the Nintendo 3DS
A roller-coaster of emotions, featuring glasses-free 3D!
PREVIEW: Heroes of Ruin
With the demo out and the release just a couple weeks away, how do we feel about Heroes of Ruin?
Miyamoto Wants Metroid, Star Fox on Wii U
Shigeru Miyamoto tells IGN that he wants to see Metroid and Star Fox on the Wii U.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Metroid: Other M
This Saturday’s Games of the Past features Metroid: Other M
Wii U Launching with Optional Third Party Head Set
A tweet from LYGO International has revealed the headset.