Three new titles have been trademarked, will one of them be the next Tales game?
Tag: mobile
WayForward Announces Watch Quest for the Apple Watch
The Apple Watch is a new platform for WayForward.
Fantasy Life 2 Announced For Mobile Platforms
Fantasy Life 2 skips the 3DS and migrates to another home.
tri-Ace May Work on Titles for Non-Mobile Platforms in the Future
Maybe a return to game development on consoles or handhelds isn’t out of the question for the freshly-acquired tri-Ace.
Big Fish Changes Things Up With Dungeon Boss
Always good to see new approaches to gaming
A real-time strategy card game. The premise alone is worth a look!
The World Ends With You: Solo Remix Now Available On Android Devices
Rejoice, Android fans!
PRESS RELEASE: Game Insight Brings RPG Starborn Wanderers to Android
Good to see more and more titles being made available for Android devices.
Press Release – Tamagotchi Angel Lands on AndroidTM and Apple Devices
Yes, Tamagotchi is still relevant.
GameStop Expands to Focus on Tablets and Smartphones
GameStop is looking to broaden its horizons with a renewed focus on tablets and smartphones.
[April Fools 2014] REVIEW: Flappy Bird
This review is two months too late, but this game’s fake difficulty lasts forever. Check out oprainfall’s take on this casual gaming sensation!
PRESS RELEASE: Kemco Announces Discounts for 7 iOS RPGs
For two bucks a pop? Nice deal.
Tales of Phantasia (English Ver.) Available on iOS in U.S., Canada
The first Tales game finds its way overseas once again.
Final Fantasy VI Heads to iOS, Android This Winter
The Final Fantasy Mobile Revolution…continues.
REVIEW: Kingdoms Fall
With much ambition shown, this is one fine Zelda clone for the iPhone—but is it any good?
PRESS RELEASE: RPG Infinite Dunamis for Android
If you’ve got an Android phone, you may want to check this out.
Final Fantasy IV Released on Android
Final Fantasy IV finally makes it to Android devices and is now available on the Google Play Store for $15.99
What Bad Bots is And Why You Should Care
Bad Bots – when good robots turn bad!
Three Separate iDOLM@STER Games Now Available On iOS
A blessing in disguise?
PRESS RELEASE: Project Happiness Has Been Given An Official Name: Hometown Story
How pleasantly cutesy this is.