Marvelous USA has also revealed the contents of the Earth Dancer Edition which is now available for pre-order.
Tag: Marvelous USA
Nintendo Direct: Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma
Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma will be launching for both Nintendo Switch and PC sometime in Spring 2025.
XSEED’s Anime Expo 2024 Lineup is Announced
Not only will some of these games be playable at their booth this year, but they’ll also be running various themed giveaways.
PC Gaming Show 2020: XSEED Games Announce Two Titles
…including a partnership with Voracious Games.
STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town Launches this Summer
Head back to Mineral Town this summer!
XSEED Games Launches DAEMON X MACHINA on Windows PC
Soar across the battlefield in an Arsenal mech to combat the Immortals wherever they appear – in crumbling cities, strange deserts, and inside of massive facilities.
London Detective Mysteria Now Available on PC
The mystery is why it took 5 years to branch out from Sony handhelds.
RE-REVIEW: Ys: Memories of Celceta
Let’s see how one of the best Vita games holds up on PC.
REVIEW: Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
An unlikely duo in a weird adventure.
The exclusive PSP Ys game finally comes to PC.
RE-REVIEW: Senran Kagura Estival Versus
How does the life and hometown hold up on PC?
XSEED Games Confirms Launch Day for Fate/Extella
The battle between altered history and myths is nearly here!
REVIEW: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
Two young men fight for the fate of a nation.
RE-REVIEW: Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus is a joy to play on the PC.
PR: Corpse Party: Blood Drive Terrifies PS Vita Owners Today
The horror visual novel game is out now for your PlayStation Vita.
E3 2015 Impressions: Trails of Cold Steel is a Breath of Fresh Air
A game for Western jrpg fans that have grown tired of the moe trend of jrpgs games coming west.
XSEED: No Plans to Pursue Rodea: The Sky Soldier At This Time
Nothing positive, but nothing definitive either.
Press Release: The Legends of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Now Available on PC
A shame about it being buggy, though.
Press Release: XSEED Announces Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed PS4 Version Release
Wonder how much different this version will be?
REVIEW: Rune Factory 4
The last game from developer Neverland, Rune Factory 4 is a game that the company can feel proud to go out on… for the most part.